This weekend the North Lunar Node points like the needle of a compass towards a destined encounter with Neptune and Venus, conjoining in Pisces.
This hasn’t happened for almost 200 years, and even back in their last menage a trois in 1858, it wasn’t quite so exact.
When these rare events happen, (and there are several lined up for 2025) it is worth looking at the degree at which they occur (28 Pisces) and looking at your natal chart to see where this energy might be directed.
Modern astrologers take a much less fatalistic approach than that of their ancient antecedents and advise us to use and harness these energies ourselves. Conscious co-creation with the Universe?
My teacher Frank Clifford suggests rather than looking at transits or angles as stuff that might happen to us, focus on:
So, check your natal chart, find which house 28 degrees Pisces involves, and check whether you have any planets or key angles at this degree, or even at 28 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, or Gemini give or take a couple of degrees. If so, you might find that you are particularly in the spotlight over the next few days.
But in what way?
As discussed in my previous article about the Nodes of Fate switching signs and what means for you, the North Node, or head of the Dragon in Vedic astrology, symbolises destiny and something we are heading towards. Whereas the South Node, or Dragon’s tail, Ketu, points to our origins, or a comfort zone we are leaving behind.
Neptune though, as we know, can be a lot murkier. An outer planet, symbolising oceanic depths, it evokes the collective unconscious, the spiritual, and the stuff of dreams.
Neptune offers us a voyage tinged with magic, mystery, illusion, delusion, madness, and the muse - a tantalising glimpse into the divine mind, albeit through a dirty lens.
But Venus, planet of love, beauty, harmony bestows an altruistic and idealistic sprinking of fairy dust on this three-way conversation. You can actually spot Venus at the moment very close to the moon, rising early in the evening.
As a visual aid we can also use the Sabian Symbols to illustrate each degree of the Zodiac. These symbols are descriptions of imagery, channeled by psychic Elsie Wheeler, for each degree of the Zodiac. Astrologer Dane Rudyar was amongst the first to popularise their use and they celebrate their centenary this year. Check out the symbol for 28-29 degrees Pisces (you always round up).
28-29’ Pisces - Light Breaking Into Many Colors As It Passes Through A Prism
Where in your chart can you see 28 Pisces? In what area of your life can you direct this pinpoint of sunlight to illuminate a deeper, richer truth?
If you know your rising sign, here are some ideas.
Aries Rising: 12th House – solitude, seclusion, rest, retreat, dreams
Taurus Rising: 11th House – friendships, social networks, clubs, society, community
Gemini Rising: 10th House - career, public image, reputation, status, achievements, father
Cancer Rising: 9th House - higher education, philosophy, teaching, beliefs, foreign shores
Leo Rising: 8th House - sex, death, taxes, other people’s money, the occult
Virgo Rising: 7th House – relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners, audience
Libra Rising: 6th House – work, health, day-to-day routine, service, pets
Scorpio Rising: 5th House - creativity, children, entertainment, love (dating)
Sagittarius Rising: 4th House – home, family, origins, mother
Capricorn Rising: 3rd House – communication, neighbours, siblings, local area, travel (local)
Aquarius Rising: 2nd House – money, possessions, values, what goes in your mouth
Pisces Rising: 1st House – the body, ego, identity, personal goals
And what might it all mean for the collective?
The previous meeting in 1858 was not as impressively exact, and yet that year saw the publication of a collaboration between Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace: On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection. Darwin had been sitting on his thesis for almost two decades and it was largely due to Wallace writing to him with his findings, that he decided to test the water with this initial paper, before publishing ‘On the Origin of Species’ a year later.
According to astrologers, 2025 was always going to be the year of Truth (with a capital ‘T’) and earth-shattering paradigm shifts.
In the Chinese calendar we just entering the Year of the Yin Wood Snake.
An ancient symbol of knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual awakening, the serpent changed the whole damn game back in the day, hastening our departure from Eden. Paradise lost, but clothing gained. So, it wasn’t all bad.
Far from being a corrupting force, the Gnostics (an early Christian sect) believed that the serpent represented Christ, who awakened true knowledge or ‘gnosis’ in humanity.
Many cultures worldwide revere the Snake and its ability to shed its skin and transform. In Chinese philosophy it also represents knowledge and wisdom. The wood element brings growth, fast and sometimes furious. We might want the truth - but can we handle it?
Keep an eye on the release of the JFK assassination files, which are due out soon as well as files concerning the assassination of RFK Sr., and Martin Luther King Jr.
In keeping with the prismatic, and cosmic theme of Pink Floyd’s iconic ‘Dark Side of the Moon’, might we expect more disclosure on UAP’s - unidentified aerial phenomena? Many of which are said to appear from, or are retrieved from the ocean (Neptune). Will we get confirmation of ‘extra’ terrestrial life, or interdimensional realities, or just plain old free energy, which many believe the Military Industrial Complex has been keeping from us for decades? Or all of the above?!
Interestingly, if we swivel to the other end of the Dragon - the South Node is opposing all this at 28 degrees Virgo and the Sabian Symbol for this is:
A Seeker After Occult Knowledge Is Reading An Ancient Scroll Which Illumines His Mind
Are we moving away from previously held beliefs? Or did they plant the seeds that will be coming to fruition this year? Ancient Scrolls of all philosophies detailed our origins in the heavens. Might this be the year our clear-as-daylight 3D reality fractures into a multi-dimensional rainbow of possibilities?
How quickly might our consciousness evolve if we could truly see the world for what it is?
The Truth is Out There, isn’t it? But it’s also ‘in here’. Maybe we should balance the revelations of the external world with our still, small voice within for a more accurate version of what is true and what isn’t.
What are you expecting in the way of truth bombs this year? What do we need to shine a light on, and what do we hope will be revealed?
Let me know in the comments!
Until next time, truth seekers.
With Jupiter stationing direct in an exact inconjunct with Vesta in Scorpio at 11⁰16', I think we'ill get some half-truths. We might have to wait a little longer for fully illuminated truth bombs. Also, it's cool that your teacher is Frank Clifford-I met him in April at a conference in London in April 😊