What’s your least favourite planet? Astrologically speaking?
There’s often a planet you don’t vibe with, or trust. Always feels sketchy. Can’t quite pin it down. Just when you think you know what it’s about, nah, turns out ‘that ain’t it’. When it hoves in, out of the fog, just that bit too close to one of your natal placements, you find yourself filled with a sense of mild unease or confusion.
Well for me, it’s Neptune.

Strangely enough, I worked for many years in the creative industries, I love the spiritual and esoteric, spent my childhood searching for fairies at the bottom of the garden and I’m partial to a salty dip in the ocean waves. But I’ve never really got the gist of Neptune.
Perhaps it’s the dearth of water in my chart?
I can appreciate his erstwhile brothers: dark and distant Bad Daddy Pluto, and contrarian, controversial Uncle Uranus. They bring all the drama, karma, and outrageous edge-lordery to the table. But Neptune leaves me all adrift with nothing so much as a jazzy tuna or an inflatable banana boat to hang on to.
One thing is certain, if Neptune ain’t your cup of room temperature water either, then Neptune retrograde will have been a soggy mess.
Cast your mind back to July this year. Has any area of your life felt particularly unstable, foggy, or confused? If so, REJOICE! On Saturday 6th December Neptune stations direct, and starts to paddle clear of the equally briny Pisces as he floats towards Aries (ETA March 2025).
While I might not fully appreciate his influence on my personal chart and quite frankly the sooner he moves away from squaring with my Mars, the better, I can get excited about his impact on the wider collective.
There’s an argument to be made that the outer planets have more of an impact on the world generally and their cycles usher in new eras and epochs.
So what does Neptune offer? There’s a magical, mystical air to his influence but he can occlude and transform our perception of what’s real and what isn’t.
He deals with dreams, drugs, and delusion as well as the muse, mystery, and madness. (Did you know, one of his moons is even called, ‘Vice’?!)
Neptune also oversees toxins, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pollutants, and of course, events at sea. So keep an eye on all that.
His direct motion through to the final degrees of Pisces, the sign of oneness, devotion, creativity, and spirituality will no doubt bring more revelations as prior illusions unravel in a tidal wave of change.
If you want more details on Neptune in Pisces read my earlier article touching upon it here.
In short: we can expect plunging to new depths in all matters sex, drugs, rap n’ roll, the mucky Music Biz, Hollyweird, celebrity culture, and even the church and spiritual gurus.
Also on the cards, further dissolution and transformation of the media as we know it. As the mainstream disintegrates, will the new alternative platforms become the establishment? Does the concept of truth and fact continue to melt into a more fluid and subjective state?
On a positive note, in 2025 the Neptunian slow swim through Pisces might help us open our hearts to a deeper sense of connection with our fellow man and see more compassion within the collective. And buoy (sorry) are we crying out for a bit of that?!
But what does this mean for you? The simplest way to track Neptune in Pisces impact is to look at your natal chart. You can draw one up here if you have an accurate birth time to plot your rising sign. Check which house is Pisces and have a read below.
If you know your rising sign and therefore your Pisces house, you can glance ahead to the next house along to see what the next few years might have in store. If you don’t know your birth time, read all of them and see which one makes the most sense to you. You can of course read the one for your sun sign too, as that may also resonate.
1st House – Pisces Rising
Sink or swim? If feel like you’ve been floundering in the depths take heart, 2025 could well be the year you emerge from the waves, glistening and golden - a brand new you. You may have experienced a period of confusion or uncertainty about your identity, and outward expression of self. Just who are you, anyway? Perhaps you’re rising to the surface after a decade-plus of deep introspection and a search for profound meaning. Was this a powerful phase of renewal, overhauling your personal brand and your dharma? Smoother seas beckon and 2025 sees you embark on a more fulfilling creative or spiritual path.
2nd House – Aquarius Rising
Diving deep for that buried treasure? Did you find the gold or get stuck in the wreck? Have you experienced a transformation of your values system and sense of self-worth? You might have had a period of financial insecurity or felt that money seems to wash through your fingers. This probably wasn’t the best time for speculative investments. Conversely, you might be able to transform your income in innovative ways and truly open up to the flow of abundance from The Universe. Issues with consumption in general, food, drink n’ drugs may have needed addressing during this time, a perfect time to pinpoint what isn’t working in your diet and habits.
3rd House – Capricorn Rising
Do you feel like you’ve been treading water in relationships with siblings and neighbours, or wading through issues that have resurfaced from early childhood and school days. You may have experimented with different ways of communication – perhaps struggled with being misunderstood? Or maybe you seized the opportunity to play with imaginative and intuitive means of self-expression? Neptune stimulates your imagination and intuition. You may have capitalised on your ability to fish innovative ideas up from the depths. And perhaps you have relocated; somewhere near the sea or are thinking about it? 2025 could be the year!
4th House – Sagittarius Rising
Sandbags ahoy! Has your home life sprung a leak? You may have felt a profound shift in terms of stability, and emotional security? You may have had to confront unresolved family issues and heal past wounds. Your perception of home and family may have changed and transformed in some way, perhaps deepening bonds with those you cherish and dissolving those with the ones that got away. You might also have moved to a property close to water or experienced issues with damp, or flooding? (Neptune transits can be quite literal!) If so, you’ll be relieved to know we’re heading for drier ground where you can safely drop anchor, in 2025.
5th House – Scorpio Rising
Congratulations on your bouncing new addition! What have you birthed during this fecund period of increased creativity, inspiration, and more meaningful ways of having fun? Have you become a parent? Or connected and perhaps healed your inner child? Have you reconnected with childhood pursuits such as music, dance, and art? You might have experienced creative block, confusion, and ambiguity in your dating / sex life (plenty more fish, tho.) Or perhaps you’ve navigated choppy waters in relationships with older children and are now heading towards greater understanding and connection with them?
6th House – Libra Rising
Lather, rinse, repeat. You’re coming to the end of an extended period of life laundry, concerning daily routine, health, and employment. Have you been taking care of your health and achieving a good work/life balance? There might have been confusion at work, relationships with colleagues, or issues with your well-being. Neptune can encourage you to find creative solutions to improve your everyday life, making the grind a bit less gritty, and encouraging you to carve out more me time. Nurturing and self-care are the way forward. Your day-to-day life looks very different to how it did at the outset of this transit.
7th House – Virgo Rising
Water can erode even that which seemed rock solid. Have the lasting contracts in your life seemed less permanent? If you had any illusions or delusions about long-term relationships or business partnerships, this transit will have asked to you face the music. Perhaps initial confusion and uncertainty has given way to clarity and you’ve established more authentic connections with loved ones? This transit is a great opportunity to shatter illusions and move forward with clarity, alignment, and more authentic connections.
8th House – Leo Rising
Have you felt the urge to go deep? The last few years might have led you further down your soul’s true path and your intuitive, psychic abilities may have opened up new ways of understanding yourself and the world around you. Experimenting with the occult or esoteric might have been your jam? On a more humdrum level: there might have been confusion or overstepped boundaries in terms of shared finances, inheritances, taxes (urgh), or ‘other people’s money’ in general.
9th House – Cancer Rising
All aboard for the voyage of a lifetime! Have you felt a calling to explore different belief systems, spiritual or political? Or different cultures and traditions that depart from those you were brought up in? You may have felt disillusioned with previously held ideologies or philosophies. You may have felt lost or all at sea in terms of old ways of being, or you may be expanding your horizons with further education, or travel and have established a brand new raison d’ être.
10th House – Gemini Rising
It never rains but it pours! Did your career and public reputation weather a storm? There might have been a disconnect between who you feel you are, or who you should be, your achievements, and other’s perception of who you are. Perhaps you’ve shifted your long-term goals and found deeper meaning in your career. Or have you been focused on building a legacy, one that stands the test of time and fully aligns with your higher self?
11th House – Taurus Rising
Big fish in a small pond? Or tiny sprat in the ocean? You might have found yourself in search of a new shoal as existing group structures washed away during this Neptune cycle. You may have outgrown old friendships and joined new social groups and networks. Perhaps boundaries blurred, for better or worse? Perhaps you deepened relationships with friends old and new? Creative or spiritual connections can be fostered as you establish new friendship groups to reflect your evolving life path.
12th House – Aries Rising
Time to steer this ship into harbour. Although there may have been a misty miasma or polluted waters regarding your physical and mental health, perhaps an enforced period of recuperation and solitude helped you shed a skin and transform your sense of self. Did an enriched dream life help you explore the deepest realms of your subconscious mind? Neptune is very much at home in the 12th house: this might have been a benign or rewarding transit. Relish the opportunity for reflection and remember, the answers you seek lie within.
Thanks so much for reading. Feel free to share your Neptunean and Piscean experience in the comments below. Or let me know your favourite or least understood celestial body.
Have a wonderful weekend, I’ll see you soon.
I love Neptune and I love the fog.
Never thought about my fav planet before. Very interesting stuff! If we haven’t been swept away by new year! X